Landmarked and Historic Buildings
Whether your building sis a single family brownstone, an institution, a storefront or a multi-family residence, landmarked buildings or properties in historic districts, Department of Buildings (DOB) permits will not be issued without prior consent from Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC). LFA has over 30 years of experience in navigating the DOB and LPC.
Click below to see examples of past projects in historic districts:
Do you own a property in a historic district? LFA can survey the existing conditions and present your options. Below are a few types of work that requires LPC review:
New awnings on storefronts
Changing entry door configuration
Masonry repair including brick replacement and repointing
Painting elements on stoops such as handrails and fences
Altering your yard or sidewalk
Window replacement
We are available to provide filing plans and presentation boards, to represent you at Community Board and LPC public hearings, and/or oversee repair through sign-off at the DOB. Let us be your resource for achieving LPC compliance. Call us if you would like to discuss your property.