Presentations & Publications
“Placemaking for the Modern World: A Look at Seven Places and What Makes Them Unique”, New York Build Expo, March 2019
"Process, Contemporary Design and Materials Choices in NYC Historic Districts", University of Kentucky College of Design, November 2017
“Working with Landmarks: Public Hearings, Community Board Appearances and the Importance of Recordkeeping", RAND Engineering & Architecture DPC, June 2015
“Mysteries of the DOB”, presentation at the Center for Architecture, New York City, January 2015
"A Real Life Architect Goes Back To School", presentation at Bloomingdale School (PS 145) in Manhattan, part of Landmark West's program "Keeping the Past for the Future", December 2011
“SoHo Cast Iron Architecture and its Preservation”, University of Kentucky College of Architecture, October 2007
“Renovations in Coops and Condominiums in New York City”, New York City Lawyers League, 2006
“Historic District Focus: Gansevoort Market and SoHo Cast Iron Districts in Manhattan”, Saratoga Springs Preservation Conference, March 2003
“Push to Landmark Historic African American School in Chelsea”, 2021: by The Victorian Society New York
“Gilder Center Construction Reveals Victorian Facade”, by Lynne Funk for Victorian Society of America, Metro Chapter, Aug 2020
"Masonry History Integrity: An Urban Conservation Primer", by Thomas E. Russack, 2011, in conjunction with the National Park Service and the National Center for Preservation Technology and Training: editing of entire publication and research contributions
"Bayside Senior Center Spiffs Up!", by Lynne Funk, RA and Mottola Rini Engineers, Oculus, Spring 2004
"Gansevoort Market Walking Tour", 2001: original research contributions and editing for this booklet published to gain historic district designation
St. Nicholas Hotel